I always loved this series for the separate but equal storylines followed in the four books. It is inviting and at no point forces you out of the Four Lands. The narration is just right, neither dominating the tone nor detracting from the story. But, if you genuinely love Brooks's Shannara world with all its rich life and wonderfully familiar groups like the Leahs, Ohmsfords, Druids, Elves, Rock Trolls, Dwarves and all the familiar landscapes, lineages and a beautiful and reliable narrative with enough changes to stand apart from past series, then you owe it to yourself to listen to these books and immerse yourself in the stories. Good on you and I hope it makes you feel smugly pleased with yourself. If you wish to pick apart some oft-used or too-familiar fantasy tropes in this series, you can certainly do so. I couldn't be more pleased with the results.

Since I discovered Audible, I've been hoping this four book Heritage of Shannara series would receive the full, unabridged treatment (an abridged book is an appalling blasphemy). Some years later I discovered books on tape and my audio book life began. I didn't put the book down the entire drive. I've been a Brooks fan since I read Sword of Shannara at age 12 in 1991 on vacation.