Huge monthly content updates to keep things fresh and exciting. We’ve been around since April 2017 and by now, we know what we’re doing. 📚 A fully fledged Wiki with all the answers you need! 🐄 Golden Lasso (Lasso mobs into their respective egg form! Keeps all metadata) 🏆 Leaderboard Room (Show the best of the best off at spawn!) Tons of Player Shops (Buy anything you may need!) ⚒️ Custom Lucky Blocks with rarities (Achieved from breaking blocks, rewards based off rarity!) ✨ Tiered Armor (Armor with rarities and enchants based on this) 🗓️ Weekly Minigame Events for in-game rewards 🏦 Custom Bank with interest (Free money!) 🙌 Daily Pinata Party event! (Punch the pinata for rewards!) 👿 The Demon Tower (Custom boss fights with armor upgrades as rewards!) 履 Custom Mobs (Custom Mobs will roam the wild!) 🌎 Earth Map & Regular Overworld (Take your pick!)

♾️ Slimefun Addons: Infinity Expansion, LiteXpansion, Networks, SFCalc, FluffyMachines, SlimyTreeTaps, EcoPower, ExoticGarden, ExtraTools 🔋 Slimefun (Similar to FTB but server-side with multiple expansions!) CraftYourTown – The most advanced Towny Server